Connemara Irish Whiskey 700mL
Connemara Peated Irish Whiskey is an unusual release, as it is a peated whiskey from Ireland! Brought to you from the Cooley distillery and bottled at 40% ABV, this is a very nice peated Irish whiskey with smoky character. An aroma of sweet barley with wafts of peaty smoke, kippers and well baked apple crumble. Tastes of lightly honey sweet, subdued clean rather than sooty smoke with peaty vegetal notes, sweet barley water, light spice and vanilla oak.
ABV: 40%
Click & collect is available at our 2 stores in Western Sydney. Please select pickup option at checkout and email us at to let us know where you would like to pick up from. Please allow 24 hours for your order to be ready.
1) Mulgoa Cellars - 1216 Mulgoa Road, Mulgoa 2745
2) North St Marys Cellars - 17 Parklawn Place, North St Marys 2760
NSW - 1 to 3 business days for your order to arrive ($9.99 standard - $14.99 express)
ACT - 2 to 4 business days for your order to arrive ($9.99 standard - $14.99 express)
QLD, VIC, SA - 2 to 5 business days for your order to arrive (14.99 standard - $19.99 express)
TAS, WA - 3 to 6 business days days for your order to arrive (14.99 standard - $19.99 express)
NT - 3 to 6 business days days for your order to arrive ($19.99 standard - $24.99 express)